>Boy am I glad I’m not 12 years old anymore…
/0 Comments/in Newsworthy Events/by Rob Felber>Children in Copley Township will be greatly disappointed on the hot days left in summer. Copley’s trustees have decided to ban ice cream trucks as they are considered transient vendors. This resolution (excluding religious, charitable or school groups) was approved on June 23rd and has upset a number of children in Copley.
“The ice cream man wasn’t a criminal or someone who was harassing people,” says 9 year old Nicole Scout Basinski of Copley.
Click here to read the full story.
>Driving along the marketing highway
/0 Comments/in Emerging Trends/by Rob Felber>Do you know how you drive? I mean, do you honestly know your habits? Pay attention next time you drive. I’ll bet you’ll find it interesting which habits you have that you are completely unaware of.
For example, when I drive I seldom will watch the car in front of me. Instead, I watch the car in front of them for brake lights, road hazards and other causes for slowdowns or swerving.
In business, this “habit” may also apply with trends. In emerging media trends, for example, few businesses are actually on the cusp of picking up on these trends. In fact, less than 14% of businesses are using these innovative trends.
Trendwatching.com is a website I have come across who is actively pursuing emerging consumer trends. They give free monthly reports on just what trends are getting hotter in our industry. Check them out, I think you’ll be impressed.
Perhaps, if more businesses looked farther ahead in where they were going, they would be able to proactively jump on emerging trends and see potential bumps in the road before others.
Stay tuned for more on this topic in future blogs.
>Olympic Emblem
/0 Comments/in Olympics/by Rob Felber>
For those of you who think that logo design is easy, think again. Firms can spend hundreds of hours on designing logos that best represent brands. Why does it take so long and so many drafts? For every use of color, line stroke, icon or size, there is a meaning behind it. Take for instance the Beijing Olympic emblem/logo. Did you know that it is called the “Dancing Beijing.” The stick figure represents culture and humanity. The logo released in 2003 was chosen from over 2,000 entries. What do other people have to say about the logo? From what I read online, most people love it for how much meaning is behind something that looks so simple but yet is so complex.
~Michelle Hirsh
>Tough decisions: when to say enough is enough
/0 Comments/in Are you saying what you want to say?/by Rob Felber>I remember when I was in 6th grade, went on a bike ride around my neighborhood and caught two boy friends of mine smoking. They warned me not to say anything, and I didn’t… and it really didn’t matter.
In my past life as a manager, I caught two of my work friends leaving mid-shift to go outside and have a cigarette. (Our company had a VERY strict policy on this.) They warned me not to say anything, but I did – and this time it did matter.
Why was it different?
They were each similar in that both times people were caught doing something they knew they weren’t supposed to be doing. Either situation did not hurt me in any way, so why did I care the second time? I was in a position of authority, and I had to set an example.
Unfortunately, I was the new manager and expected this to happen. If people knew I didn’t hesitate to rat out those I was friends with, they knew I wouldn’t think twice about doing it to anyone else.
We’ve all been there: your boss is out of town, it’s casual Friday or on the brink of a long holiday weekend and you just can’t help but to push the limits of the person in charge. The “substitute teacher” attitude, if you will.
As a new manager, when do you say enough is enough – and how do you say it?
Here is my advice:
1. Stand your ground. Even if you were just promoted, you have to be tough and no when people cross the line.
2. Set your limits. Unless you have zero time to prep for your new position, consider how far you will let things go before you step in.
3. Have a disaster plan. Know your approach and reaction techniques based on the situation. Perhaps make up an action plan based on already witnessed employee behavior.
4. Know your staff. Have an honest conversation with the person whose position you are overtaking. Encourage them to tell you about any potential problems that may arise.
5. Be confident. You are in that position for a reason, even you should respect that.
>Word of the Day
/0 Comments/in Word of the Day/by Rob Felber>
Today’s word of the day: Linkrot
Definition of linkrot: A website previously accessible at a designated URL that is no longer reachable at that same URL due to a movement or deletion of the page.
In reference to my previous “Word of the Day” blog on a monopoly.
>The BLACKOUT – Will the Power Go Out Again?
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Rob FelberAh, the anniversary of the big blackout that started only a few cities away from Twinsburg and brought down the power in seven states and parts of Canada.
So all morning the news reported that many measures are in place so this doesn’t happen again. Well it may not happen in seven states again but in Beachwood, Ohio, there’s a report of no power near Cedar Rd. Plus, the lights flickered in Warrensville, Hts at 9:58am. Hmm, let’s hope First Energy won’t have to go into another round of crisis communications.
Share your stories from the 2003 Blackout.
~ Michelle