>Word of the day

Narrowcasting: Using TV or radio (broadcasting medium) to appeal to people of different interest.

One of the main reasons I became interested in advertisement and marketing was from the persuasion of advertisements of TV and radio. They are always trying to persuade you to think one way, or act another. It fascinates me how the littlest things can alter the way people think. For instance,my favorite commercials are the “anti-drug” commercials.

One of my favorite ones is of these three boys walking up to a horse and the one boy pulls the tail of the horse and the horse kicks him in the shin. One of the other boys gets fascinated by this and pulls the horse’s tail also kicking him in the shin but, the third boy realizes how dumb it is, turns and walks away.

To me, this commercial is saying if you know something is dumb, don’t try it . The commercials have such a humor about them that keeps the audience interested – most often it is their plot which has something to do with a current major problem. I know personally, and speaking for my generation, we are easily fascinated in the easiest, smallest little thing. So, if commercials continue to come up with ideas that are short and sweet right to the point, most likely they continue to be remembered


>The word of the day

>DAGMAR– Goals set for a campaign are easily met.

Sure it is easy to set goals in life but, the hardest thing is to go through with them. Think of the definition, your life is the “campaign” and you set goals to make it “the perfect campaign”. In order to achieve your perfect campaign you have to push through with your goals and make it memorable.


>Advertising Icon Dies


House Peters Jr., otherwise known as “Mr. Clean,” died yesterday at the age of 92 years old.

“Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean…” was a great jingle, one lasting for fifty years. And who says advertising doesn’t work?

May he rest in peace.

~ Michelle Hirsh, Felber & Felber Marketing

>Word of the Day

>Today’s word of the day: Defrag

Definition of defrag: the process of compressing files on a hard drive to improve speed and efficiency.

Make sure you defrag your computers at least once every two weeks!! -Tali

>Hello everyone!

>Hello everyone,

My name is Tali, and I am an intern with Felber & Felber Marketing for the Fall semester. During my internship, I will be working on marketing and different aspects of P.R. I was first attracted to advertising and marketing when I first realized I wanted to send messages to people through commercials. Other than this internship, I also have a job working in a well-known retail store. When I am not working I am hanging out with my friends, going to see movies or maybe fishing (if I am lucky). I love to write, it’s what my teachers know me for. I like to write about anything that comes to mind, mostly things that have happened in my life. I also love to listen to music.

Just filling you guys in on a little bit about me.

Have a good day!


>Word of the Day

>Today’s word of the day: mindshare

Definition of mindshare: Having a company hold the public’s attention and remain top of mind.

For example, a few years ago KFC had a commercial out that included a high pitched shreaking noise throughout the majority of the commercial. A friend of mine complained about how annoying it was and how that marketing company needs to be fired. However, my friend fell in the trap. He remembered the commercial AND KFC – just what they wanted. KFC, in this case, had mastered mindshare.

>Streetsboro Chamber Community Showcase Sept. 27th

It is that time of year again when the Streetsboro Area Chamber of Commerce will present their annual Community Showcase. This event is “free to the public” and will feature Business Booths, Craft booths, Taste of Streetsboro and Entertainment.

This year it will be held at the Middle School and runs from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Come network and see what Streetsboro has to offer. I will be at the chamber booth so stop and say hello.

For more information call the chamber office at 330-626-4769.


>Advertising on the West Coast (part one)

>After a week spent in Las Vegas and San Francisco, one thing is certain – there is no where like the west coast. It’s true what they say out there: California is a lifestyle in itself.

As you can imagine, the marketing structure in Las Vegas is centered on being very loud and exceptionally large in size.

As this was my first trip to Vegas, everyone asked me what I thought of it – and I only had one response: “Everything was really big.” But, that is true. Advertising, buses, buildings, food, colors, performers, cars – everything was blown up to larger than life.

Perhaps the most, ahem, blatant form of in your face advertising came on the side of the Paris hotel. Their theme, “Everything is Sexier in Paris” flaunts two young lovers caught up in the moment on their wedding day.

An example of their advertising:

Ahh, gotta love Vegas. Has anyone else seen other similar shocking advertising?

>Tweet, tweet, twittering, twit twit… TWITTER!


After months of hearing about Twitter, I finally did it. I signed up for Twitter. You can following me here: http://twitter.com/hirsh

So, how does this social media fit in with marketing? It helps you create and keep your personal or professional brand top-of-mind. Companies can get a glimpse into their target audience. One can never do enough research!

Thanks to the Social Media Club of Cleveland, I actually have people following me! I attended the first meeting this morning. Thanks everyone who made me feel welcome.

There is so much out there to learn… I promise to keep our blog followers updated on how social media can be used, etc. More to come!

~ Michelle Hirsh, Felber & Felber Marketing

>Promotional Consultant Academy – Update

The first two days here in Boston has been very full. We have made 6 presentations to the class (or companies as we call them) and I find them to be extremely engaging. The topics range from understanding and setting strong outcomes to the creative process. They are all working on the case study and defining their presentations that will be heard in the morning. Even as I speak our judge is flying in from Colorado.

I have said this before, “you learn so much when you teach others.” This process will be handed off to our second team in Ft. Worth Texas next week.

Special thanks to my team: Joe, Mike, and Kip.
