>Advertising During A Recession Nets Higher Sales Growth

I had the pleasure last week to hear a presentation to the members of the manufacturing community during the annual WIRE-Net meeting where Arthur Anton spoke. He is the president and CEO of Swagelok Company headquartered in Solon, Ohio.

He spoke about the strength in manufacturing and how our country and the world is evolving. He encouraged us all to stay the course and look to be innovative and highly productive and to treat our employees and associates with respect and credit. One of his message points was to not stop marketing as it is the fuel for the engine and if you stop the competition will ride past you on the way up.

The one quote that made the most sense was “You can’t cost yourself on the way to profitability.” I found this so refreshing that later that day I was speaking to the CFO of PPAI in Texas and received a similar quote, “You can’t save yourself to prosperity.” Both statements echo what have said in earlier blogs and posts in that we must maintain our market share and position as it will lead to faster and stronger growth.

An interesting report: 600 industrial companies survey during the 1981-82 recession had reported, “That B to B firms that maintained or increased their expenditures during the recession averaged significantly higher sales growth both during and for the following 3 years than those that eliminate or cut. Those that maintained or increased their advertising during this period showed an average sales growth of 275% over the proceeding 5 years VS a 19% increase for those firms that cut.” – McGraw-Hill Research Laboratory of Advertising Performance , 1986.

Bruce Felber

>Upcoming Sales & Marketing Coaching Workshops

Our first session in the series has been completed and the schedule has been released for the the next five. Please see information below (Click on to enlarge) and contact me for more information.

Bruce Felber

>How do you media train 9 year olds?

You don’t! You let them fly solo on their first prime time interview. My daughter’s Elana & Zoe Felber represent Twinsburg, Ohio in Cleveland Magazine’s annual “rate the suburbs” issue June 2009.

See the online interview here: http://bit.ly/dKAPk

>Ohio Venture Association names Venture of the Year 2009

>Veteran Northeast Ohio entrepreneur Len Pagon was recognized by the Ohio Venture Association on June 12th, emerging from four strong nominees to win OVA’s Venture of the Year award.

At the age of 23, Pagon founded his web-development company in 1989 as New Media. It was later renamed Brulant, and in 2008 merged into New Jersey-based Rosetta, which calls itself the largest independent interactive agency in the U.S. But Pagon proudly noted that about 450 of the company’s 680 employees remain in Northeast Ohio. Through all those changes, challenges and turnarounds in 20 years, he joked that he belongs to the “Captain Ahab school of entrepreneurship.”

The other nominees included Bargmann Management, purchased recently by Invacare; Expensewire, a travel-expense company sold recently to Rearden Commerce; and NDI Medical, begun with a $220,000 investment and recently sold for more than $40 million to health care giant Medtronic.

Last year’s winner was Jim Hummer, founder & CEO of Whole Health Management.

>Sales & Mareketing Seminar Starts

>The first presentation of “Sales and Marketing: Your Way Out of the Economic Crisis” sponsored by the WIRE-Net Organization has been completed.

The session started of with an introduction by Mark Pinto, Manager of Manufacturing Sales for WIRE-Net. Mark outlined the six sessions that will be presented over the next six months and introduced the faculty presenters and the WIRE-NET staff. I was introduced by Mark and I set the stage for the sessions by using Felber & Felber’s recently created Manufacturer’s Anxiety Closet. All participants shook their heads to acknowledge what keeps us up at night.

I then handed off the session to Erica Root Cikanek of Strategic Marketing Initiatives, LLC. who spoke about understanding your Value Proposition and Brand Promise. Erica outlined the difference between the company and customer’s viewpoint and how to determine the customer’s pain points. Erica pointed out how important it is to analyze your competitor’s brand promise by reviewing their websites, brochures and product catalogs. This part of the session included examples that illustrated the difference between Company A and Company B and their value proposition/brand promise and why we should perform a Gap Analysis.

Erica turned the second half over to me where I spoke about the Lead Generation tools and techniques needed to communicate your brand.

I presented a quick summary of the following: (These will be expanded on in the upcoming sessions.

Client Profile
Mailing List
Vehicle (Postcard, Dimensional, Brochure, Promotional, Trade Show,
Message/Copy Points – Call to Action
Delivery Method

Display Ads (Trade pubs, industry newsletters, business newspapers & directories)
Your Company Newsletters, Blog & Website
Banner Ads
Promotional Products (crosses all media)

Press Releases
Lead Story
Industry & Client Publication Avenues
Industry Expert
Current Client Case Study
Wire Services
Special Events

Linked In
Face Book
You Tube
Ning Sites
Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious, Reddit
Blogs & RSS Feeds

During the session the presenters and participants engaged in Q&A and feedback. The entire group benefited from sharing situations and solutions.

Overall this presenter was thrilled with the outcome. I look forward to the next 5 sessions and will share comments, reactions and results.

Bruce Felber

>Sales and Marketing: Your Way Out of the Economic Crisis!


I am pleased to announce that all of our efforts over the last three months are ready for presentation. I have been working with the Wire-Net Organization to bring a new series to the manufacturers here in Northeast Ohio. Wire-Net’s mission:

WIRE-Net strengthens manufacturing to create healthy communities and fuel economic growth. We provide expertise that is responsive to manufacturing related businesses and their employees. WIRE-Net connects leaders to each other and engages them in their communities.

Please see the details of this nee Sales & Marketing Series:

WIRE-Net is bringing together some of the area’s leading experts in the field of sales and marketing to design and deliver a series of workshops geared especially for manufacturers. Our goal is to show you several different concepts and then assist you in applying them to your business to improve sales and profitability. We will help you strengthen relationships with current customers, approach prospective customers in your current market, and target new customers in new markets.

The series will cover six topics:

  1. Laying the Foundation
  2. Three Rules for Growing Your Business
  3. Lead Generation
  4. More Lead Generation
  5. Electronic Marketing
  6. Closing the Deal

Beginning in June we will cover one topic per month. We will hold the same workshop twice each month at different locations around the greater Cleveland area to give everyone an opportunity to acquire the easy-to-use, practical techniques. The first session will be held on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 from 7:30 to 9:30 AM in WIRE-Net’s Classroom, 4855 W. 130th Street, Suite 1, Cleveland, OH 44135. The same topic will be presented again on Thursday, June 11, 2009 from 7:30 to 9:30 AM at Warwick Communications, Inc., 2806 Payne Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. The per-session cost for WIRE-Net members is $20 and $25 for non members. You can save 20% by signing up for the entire series!

For more information, contact Jacki Adams at 216.588.1440 ext. 114. Seating is limited, so register early by calling Anne Schaum at 216.588.1440 ext 101.

WIRE-Net is pleased to be working with Bruce Felber (Creative Director – Felber & Felber Marketing), Damian Petrini, Erica Root Cikanek, Chris Stadler, and Carol A. Staiger on this important venture.

You may also call me at 330-963-3664 for more information.

Bruce Felber

>Buy Me Some Peanuts and Cracker Jacks!

Play Ball this summer with a hot new promotional package. The Home Run Gift Box includes a promotional synthetic baseball, a 6″ baseball bat pen and a baseball key chain with a box of Cracker Jacks and a bag of David sunflower seeds in a gift box. Your logo/message printed on baseball key chain, baseball bat pen and baseball.

Perfect for company outings, behind the fence parties and promotional direct mail with a sports theme. Special pricing starts under $20.00. For more sports or leisure related themes contact Bruce Felber at brucefelber@felberandfelber.com.

>One Second and a Heart Attack

Ok the Cavs/Magic games are keeping my stress level up and my heart pumping. Is this good? Game one was tough as we shot ourselves in the foot too many times. Game two we adjusted much better and LeBron is the ultimate champion. Nice to see a game winning buzzer beater, but to win the series we need to play our second half with the same focus and energy as the first half. Don’t get me wrong I am happy we won, but would like it to be a bit more comfortable. Yes we are now playing with the big boys and we have the stuff to do it right. Just like in marketing you need a game plan, talent and the ability to run the play and make the right adjustments.

What does this teach us? Well never underestimate the competition or the market place. Look ahead, but stay on course. Like the Cavs we all want the win, so teamwork is the key. Hard work and true messaging will prevail.

Bruce Felber


The second sweep by the Cleveland Cavaliers in the the playoffs elevate the marketing of two brands. It seems that the stage is being set for the ultimate match between the Cavs and the Lakers and the hype is helping push two brands. Nike and Gatorade are airing commercials pitting LeBron James and Kobe Bryant in head to head high spirited competition to bring brand awareness to their respective companies.

This is all in fun, but with very focused brand positioning and I for one love it. As a Cleveland fan in search for a champion this national attention is great. But remember that Cleveland is more than sports and has a rich manufacturing history with the hardest working people around. Support our local companies as we lift our spirits. Afterall it is “all for one and one for all” in these challenging times. Go Cavs, we are all behind you.


>Help the earth stay green with this very special earth-friendly promotional. Order before 4-24 and save an additional 10%.

Contact Bruce for more details.