Seminar: Establishing a Culture of Profitability for Manufacturing, Distribution and Construction Companies

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Kent State Student Earns YouToo Social Media Scholarship from Akron Area Chapter of Public Relations Society of America

(Congratulations to our former intern Cindy Deng)

News Release



Kent State Student Earns YouToo Social Media Scholarship from Akron Area Chapter of Public Relations Society of America


Kent, OH – April 12, 2014 – Last week, the Akron Area Chapter of Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) awarded a $1,000 scholarship to Cindy Deng, a senior public relations major at Kent State University, from funds raised at its award-winning YouToo Social Media Conference.

YouToo Scholarship applicants must be full-time students majoring in public relations or communication and currently attending Kent State University, a member in good standing of the Kent State chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), and serving in some capacity to help prepare for the YouToo Social Media Conference, which is held at Kent State each April.


A committee of professional judges review applications and rank candidates based on the following criteria:

  • 30 percent on participation in PRSSA or other extracurricular activities
  • 30 percent on overall quality of writing and presentation samples
  • 20 percent on grades in the major
  • 10 percent on classes taken in the major
  • 10 percent on faculty recommendations

Deng’s dedication and hard work in the field of public relations has brought her many great opportunities and honors. She served as PRSSA Intercampus Liaison for the 2012-2013 school year and is currently the PRSSA president for the 2013-2014 school year. Deng was also invited to participate in the 2013 PRSSA Bateman Case Study competition where she and four other PRSSA members developed an anti-bullying campaign at a local secondary school. This February Deng was awarded the David L. Stashower-Marcus Thomas, LLC, Rising Star Internship Award by the American Advertising Federation-Cleveland Education Foundation.


In addition to her PRSSA involvement, Deng served as a mentor for the Provost’s Leadership Academy where she guided and assisted freshmen members in developing a research project they can present to the provost and then develop and implement on campus.

She has also interned at Felber PR & Marketing, a PR and marketing firm in Twinsburg and worked as a communications assistant for University Libraries at Kent State University. Deng’s interest in PR stemmed from her admiration for journalism in high school where she was a reporter and editor of an award-winning school newspaper, The Orbiter.


The Akron Area Chapter of Public Relations Society of America is part of the world’s largest organization for public relations professionals helping to advance the profession and the professional. Its nearly 115 local members represent business and industry, counseling firms, independent practitioners, military, government, associations, hospitals, schools, professional services firms and nonprofit organizations. For more information, visit The award-winning YouToo Social Media Conference is a professional development workshop hosted annual by the chapter.

Media Contact: Jennifer Kramer, jlkramer@kent.edu330-672-1960 (o), 330-714-8302 (c)

Are you ready for Manufacturing Madness?

Are you ready for Manufacturing Madness?

Felber PR & Marketing is a proud sponsor of the

Smart Business Evolution of Manufacturing Conference

Thursday, February 20, 2014 at the

Advanced Technology Training Center at Cuyahoga Community College


The 2014 Evolution of Manufacturing Awards recognizes Northeast Ohio manufacturers that best demonstrate their ability to adapt to the changing world and take manufacturing to the next level.

Click here to register for the event.

 Warm up your free-throw arm….we have a fun night planned for you!

Social Media Meets Tradeshows: a perfect match

So, you have heard social media builds brand, creates buzz about your company and can add communication channels directly to customers. Did you know you can greatly enhance this process around a trade conference or special event?

We have found that the social media activities that utilize these three principles yield results:

What to talk about, who to follow, who to retweet (repost).

What to talk about and how you say it matters. First, make sure your message corresponds with the reason for attending and/or exhibiting. Are you introducing new products, holding demonstrations at your booth or targeting a specific attendee? Consider short posts such as Demonstration: floor coating for contract mfg. facilities, booth 312, 3 pm. Or, see the Wonka 2000 at booth #4511. The latest in confection development. You can also promote special drawings, traffic building programs or key events such as press conferences and speaking engagements.

The next tactic is specifically designed to expand your social media universe (or in old terms, your audience). We suggest following all journalists and media participating in the conference. Simply following them puts your firm (and your Twitter handle) on their radar. Also, see who else is posting. Target the circle of influence folks. Yes, they exist here too. These are the ones that are posting relevant material, have many followers and that others have also chosen to repost (their content). You may not want to follow competitors, but other noncompeting exhibitors at the show are great. They will appreciate the follow, may follow you back and even consider reposting your content.

So, this brings us to reposting. In the Twitter-verse, this is called Re-tweeting (the original post being a tweet). Facebook, LinkedIn and even Google+  have joined the game as well. We use any and all of these properties during our client’s social media campaigns. Want more followers (audience)? Be the organization that actively retweets others content. If they are having a press conference at their booth, retweet it. They will appreciate it and most likely return the favor on your posts. This applies to coveted media who are also posting at the conference.

Bonus: How in the world do you know who is posting what during a 72 hour event? Ever seen this #? It’s called a hashtag (as in this blog post is #informative). A hashtag is used to create a simple search tool for those in the know. Check the conference website and I bet they have established one for the show. They are free, no one has to register them and they can be about anything. We created #commercialmaintenance for our client @Bldg_Maint. We add this to posts and people are starting to adopt it for their post. Setup a search and you will see every post for your conference (if they are using the hashtag). Note, those in the know and ones on the cutting edge, a small population, will be here. You will be playing with the top communicators in your industry. Lastly, and most importantly, you need to be monitoring these activities hourly during your conference. We have many tools we use to do this for our clients and often coordinate this tactic so they can concentrate on their speaking engagement and the visitors to their booth. Happy tweeting!

Rob Felber, President of Felber Public Relations & Marketing is responsible for the development and implementation of measurable advertising and public relations campaigns for manufacturers. or (330) 963-3664

So, you want to purchase wire service distribution for your press release?

Remember those humorless military twins in Good Morning Vietnam?  These military intelligence drones were constantly redlining or editing the news that shock joc, Adrian Cronauer, portrayed by Robin Williams, wanted to read on the air. The reports came across the tele-type or wire service. While your news may not turn the tide of a war or soften the image of the US to the public, you nonetheless want to try to get your message in as many of the right places as possible.   

A little thing called the Internet

Modern day wire services have a tremendous advantage over their predecessors; a little thing called the Internet. No longer are you limited to a copy boy/girl sitting inside a news room waiting to tear freshly printed headlines of the big black box printer in the corner. The advantage is the rapid impact on your brand’s search engine optimization or “find-ability” on the World Wide Web. Think Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Wire services now automatically push your news to their partner news associations. This and the “lasts forever” factor of the Internet make your news stay around longer than the print edition of today’s newspaper (assuming you did not run over that paper on your way out the driveway this morning).  Herein sits the issue. Is it “wire worthy”

If you are looking to impact search and search alone, the simple answer is yes. If your motives are deeper, such as garnering a feature story, reporter site visit or fostering a stronger relationship with an editor, then you might choose a more personal follow up.

What do you really want to happen?

 While not the main subject of this article, note that sending a release is not the only way to build name recognition via media. The easiest way to look at this is to examine your release goal. What do you want to happen when someone/anyone reads this release? Do you want simple regurgitation of your copy, the reporter to call for an interview or to be featured on their cover? Wire services are good for getting targeted media to be more aware of your firm, but consider “servicing” the release or what we call old fashioned follow up.

All services offer distribution options for you to choose. Is your news specific to a region, state or country? Specific targeting also exists by industry sector, type of news outlet and reporter titles. Choose carefully, as the more you expand your reach, the more you impact your budget. The services also provided ever-increasing data about your news, who is seeing it, from where and even what browser they are using. This data is an absolute must share with your SEO Team.

You get what you pay for

While it would not be fair to compare and contrast all the service choices, know that you often get what you pay for. More established services with editorial teams and 24/7 customer service are some of the factors to look for while choosing pay to play distribution. Ask them what they do to impact the optimization of the release. How often is their journalist database updated? Do they proof read and even make editorial/grammar corrections? What about their security policies (many of the services have been duped into releasing invalidated or downright detrimental news). If they are strict with you, it’s for your own protection.

Can you accomplish your goals without a wire service? Certainly. It all depends on the tactics and tools your publicity team is choosing to employ.

Rob Felber, President of Felber Public Relations & Marketing is responsible for the development and implementation of measurable advertising and public relations campaigns for manufacturers. or (330) 963-3664





September’s Learn & Connect — Competitive Advantages in Manufacturing

Register through Eventbrite

September 24th, 2013

7:30-8:00 Registration & Networking

8:00-9:00 Speakers

9:00-9:30 Networking

Are you a manufacturer always looking for new strategies to gain a competitive edge?  Join us and bring your business cards because everyone –Genus Solutions, our partners, and attendees – will be ready to Learn & Connect.  Our goal tomorrow is that each person to leave with new information and new contacts that can improve and grow their business.


Rob Gilmore, Kohrman, Jackson, Krantz P.L.L.

‘Protecting Your Company’s Confidential Information’

Rob Felber, Felber PR and Marketing

“10 social media tactics you can do in 10 minutes a day – to build your manufacturing brand and get new customers.”

Chris Isble, Genus Solutions

“Improving Customer Experience = Closing More Sales Selling Engineered-to-Order (ETO) Products”

This group is geared to manufacturing decision makers.

Have questions about September’s Learn & Connect — Competitive Advantages in Manufacturing? Contact Genus Solutions

Creating Competitive Advantages in Manufacturing– Learn and Network

Register now:

This group is geared to manufacturing decision makers.

What will you do to improve business in 2014?  Join our discussion of thought-provoking strategic and tactical business concepts that can be further researched and implemented to improve your business in 2014.    Networking will be a vital component of each event with ample time before and after the speakers to grow your business contacts.


Steven Shaffer, Shaffer Consulting Group: “Drive Business Growth… Business is about Cash, Accountability, Execution, and Strategy.”

Chris Isble, Genus Solutions: “Looking for Bottlenecks…Can your engineering group be your competitive advantage?”

Rob Felber, Felber PR: “Identify the marketable aspects of your organization…And Let the World Know”

Register now:

Future Dates:

Join us again Tuesday, September 24th.  Topics and speakers will vary.



                                                                              Media Contact: Robert Felber

Cost of Freedom Steering Committee

                                                           Phone (330) 963-3664 x1

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                


Proceeds from event donated to Twinsburg VFW Post 4929 to assist in their commitment to bring the Cost of Freedom Tribute to Twinsburg July, 2015

Twinsburg, OH, August 7, 2013 – Twinsburg VFW Post 4929 to host Freedom 5K Race & Memorial Mile Walk Saturday, September 14, 2013. Participants will gather for packet pickup at Glenn Chamberlin Park (near the Twinsburg Community Center), 10260 Ravenna Road, Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 at 8:30 am. Event starts at 10:15 am (walkers) and 10:30 am (5K runners). Cost for event are 1 mile walk pre-registration of $10 (race day $15) and 5K run pre-registration of $25 (race day $30). Online registration and more information at Deadline for online is September 9, 2013. Participants pre-registered before September 9th will receive a t-shirt. Race tag timing provided by Champ Racing.

Many sponsorships levels are available. Current Gold sponsors include Cleveland Clinic’s Twinsburg Family Health and Surgery Center and South Pointe, University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center and the Procop/Esser Family. To sponsor, please contact

Join your local veterans, police and fire departments, neighbors and friends for this fantastic special event. Fun for the entire family! Residents from all communities are welcome. Post-race activities include military and safety forces vehicles, music, a balloon artist, chair massages, raffle baskets, snacks and more. Net proceeds from this event will be donated to the Twinsburg VFW Post 4929 to assist in their commitment to bring the Cost of Freedom Tribute to Twinsburg July 1-5, 2015.

The race site will also be a donation location for items for our troops. On race day, please consider bringing any quantity of the following items with you:

*individual shampoos/conditioners/soaps/mouthwash   *Q-tips *deodorants   *dental floss *chap stick *travel size shaving cream *eye/ear drops *bug spray towelettes *toilet paper (single rolls or travel size) *small cans of tuna/Vienna sausage/sardines *dry powder drink mixes *small jelly *tea bags *beef jerky                                                       *fruit snacks/roll-ups/raisins/dried fruit/peanuts/trail mix **NO GLASS CONTAINERS**

 About The Cost of Freedom event

The Cost of Freedom Tribute features the American Veterans Traveling Tribute (AVTT). The exhibit travels the USA to provide a forum for members of the community to come together to honor-respect-remember all those whom we have asked to stand in harms way to protect and defend our great country and freedom as our way of life. They are the true American heroes and we have an obligation to pay tribute to them by celebrating the freedoms they fought for and stand to insure. There is no admission fee to see the wall. We encourage you to bring your children and educate them as to the significance of this important moment in history. The Cost of Freedom Tribute is a true depiction of the great sacrifices made throughout the history of our country.

The Twinsburg VFW Post 4929, a (501(c) 3 organization, is fortunate to be able to bring this event to Twinsburg, Ohio July 1-5, 2015. However, there are considerable costs to for the exhibit, related expenses and promotion of the event. If you wish to donate, please visit or call Joe Jasany (330) 425-7161.


2013-2014 Interns – apply today!

Internship Type: Public Relations/Marketing
Internship Database Entry: Felber PR & Marketing
Contact Name: Rob Felber
Contact Title: President
Phone: (330) 963-3664
Contact Email:
Twitter: @FelberPR
Application Address:
8963 Darrow Road
Twinsburg, Ohio


Internship Location:
8963 Darrow Road
Twinsburg, Ohio


Job Description: Felber PR & Marketing is offering a college credit or paid internship for 2013-2014. The intern work hours can vary from 5-20 hours per week, depending on the student and our workload. Summer and school breaks may offer ability for more hours. Duties can work around school schedule, which should be considered a first priority. Work is completed in the office or at client offsite meetings. The intern may work remotely from home, but only when handling less time sensitive projects.
Candidates should be a university or college student who is self-directed, and possesses strong communication skills and excellent writing skills. Experience with Microsoft Office programs is a must. Familiarity with social media and graphic design are an extra plus. Students majoring in public relations, marketing, communications or business are encouraged to apply.Internship responsibilities include writing and editing bi-monthly e-newsletter, news releases, online content and collateral. Interns will also be responsible for media and business research, working directly with clients in meetings (including by e-mail and phone) and participate in the creative process for a wide variety of projects/promotions/events. Other additional responsibilities may include general office/small business administration.
Application Process: For consideration, please submit the following: (1) Résumé, (2) writing samples/portfolio (news releases, newsletters, articles, blog, etc.) (3) graphic design work if applicable. Only completed applications will be considered. Applicants should send all these materials together by email (PDF or Word) or mail to Rob Felber.
Internship or Company Web URL:
Application Deadline:
Comments: Learn more about our firm and our manufacturing clients at
Career Track: B2B (Business-to-Business)
Market: Ohio
Compensation: College credit or paid



How to Grow Your Utica Energy Business (Even if You Don’t Know Anything about Drilling Gas)

IN-DEPTH WORKSHOP (following same day luncheon presentation at The Club at Key Center).

Rob Felber will be joining Andy in presenting this topic. My focus will be on marketing your approach to Utica energy business.

The Utica Shale business boom is here and you and your business deserve a share of it! If you agree, then join your peer business owners for an executive briefing of this special opportunity.

Even if you aren’t a landowner, can’t have a gas well or Consol or EQT on your speed dial, you can still position your business to grow with the Utica Boom. Led by Utica consultant, author and international growth expert Andy Birol, ( this workshop will give you the insight and tools to help your business find its place in the Boom and pathway to grow.

Need to Know More? Then spend the afternoon with Andy in his Workshop:

Date: June 14, 2013
Time: 1:30 – 4:30 pm
Where: The Club at Key, 127 Public Square, Cleveland, OH 44114
Who Should Attend: You and a guest who would benefit from the program.
Fee: $79 by credit card, check or cash, payable in advance up till 1:30pm.

Workshop Topics Include:Andy's_logo_web

  • How Utica/Marcellus can create profitable growth for your business
  • Which key target markets are best for your business?
  • When is the right time to invest in your Uitica/Marcellus initiative?
  • What are the key success factors for profitable, sustained growth?

To Register,
go to
or contact Andy Birol
(412) 973-2080
or email