Manufacturing Day Campaign 2015
In honor of Manufacturing Day on October 2nd, 2015, we wanted to do something special to recognize manufacturers in NE Ohio. We decided to take a unique approach for Manufacturing Day and created a social media campaign which started at the Crain’s [M] Power Manufacturing Conference (follow @CrainsCleveland & @CrainsAkron) and spanned until Manufacturing Day on October 2nd. In this blog, learn our takeaways from doing this social media campaign and our tips for holding a successful live event.

We started our Manufacturing Day campaign at the Crain’s [M] Power Manufacturing Conference. Here are visitors at our booth supporting Manufacturing Day!
At Felber PR & Marketing, we understand the value of manufacturing in this country and especially in Northeast Ohio. We decided we wanted to put a spotlight on not only our fantastic manufacturing clients, but also on the organizations that make our region so strong! From 7:30 AM until 7:00 PM on Manufacturing Day (October 2nd), we highlighted Northeast Ohio manufacturers, manufacturing educators, and manufacturing supporters through a unique social media campaign. We used #MfgDay to chronicle
this journey and unite our clients and the manufacturing supporters we featured with manufacturers around the nation.
It was a truly humbling experience for us to promote NE Ohio manufacturing. We featured a variety of organizations and companies to showcase the many faces of the manufacturing sector. Cuyahoga Valley Career Center (CVCC) is an incredible school that is teaching the next generation of manufacturing with the latest technology and practices, Wire-Net is a non-profit dedicated to improving the manufacturing community resources and networking opportunities, and Buckeye Fasteners is a company that has been a staple in the Cleveland manufacturing sector since 1905, and makes the fasteners that hold your everyday devices and products together (that you probably don’t even notice).
The businesses listed above are just a handful of groups that we’re featured in our campaign and each and every stop we made on our journey showed how manufacturing is thriving and growing in NE Ohio. Staff at Felber PR & Marketing were honored to tell the stories of these incredible organizations and businesses who make NE Ohio a strong player in the manufacturing sector–both in the US and abroad.
Ohio was ranked the top state for Manufacturing Day events in 2015 (see chart below). Our campaign not only received location recognition, but also received national recognition by the NIST US Chamber of Commerce headquarters in Gaithersburg, MD after we took a photo with Phil, their representative in Ohio. “It was a pleasure meeting Rob and Allie at the [M] Power event. To my surprise, the photo I took with Felber PR was shown during a national staff presentation, about how [our organization] had supported Mfg Day out in the field”, says Phil Wadsworth, Regional Manager- Manufacturing Extention Partnership, NIST US Department of Commerce.
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