
An Interactive Workshop Series for Manufacturers

Fast forward your learning curve by mastering the essentials of business-to-business direct marketing. Sharpen your skills with tips and strategies for increasing response rate and saving your company money. Update your knowledge on how to prevent common and expensive mistakes.

You’ll build new skills faster. Immediately improve offers, creative, copy writing, research/testing . . . everything you do.

You’ll avoid mistakes. Even if you apply only one technique that helps you prevent a potentially major error and loss, you’ve paid for the seminar many times over.

The next session:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
7:30 to 9:30 AM

4855 W. 130th Street, Suite 1
Cleveland, OH 44135

Lead Generation

Get answers to important questions it could take you years of costly trial and error to learn on your own.

  • Why don’t general advertising techniques work on direct mail?
  • Which offers work best?
  • What does it take to write and recognize successful copy?
  • What questions should we ask when choosing mail and email lists?
  • What response rate can you expect?
  • What advantages are there, if any, to multimedia integration?

There will be a second session on lead generation, being held on Wednesday, September 9, 2009.

Your Coach

These two workshops will be facilitated by WIRE-Net member Bruce Felber of Felber & Felber Marketing. Bruce has over 25 years of business to business marketing with a strong focus on manufacturing and industrial distribution. His firm specializes in lead generation programs utilizing direct mail, dimensional direct mail, and public relations programs.

Seating is limited; register early. Contact Mari-Elen Sammon at 216.588.1440 ext 121.

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