>Keno hits Ohio

>Today marks the first day for Keno in the state of Ohio in over 700 locations. Pretty much anywhere that you can buy alcohol, sit on a bar stool and watch the Indians win (or lose) is taking part in this online bingo-like gambling game.

What does Ohio get out of it? An estimated $73 million… IN THE FIRST YEAR ALONE.

Where does the rest of the money go? a little over 6% of sales goes to each individual “Keno vendor,” plus their bonuses. This could result in splitting a whopping $18 million the first year. The rest of the money then goes to the winners and the state coffers.

Forget some magical solution to saving the economy – we’ve got Keno now!

This is Ohio’s way of “legalizing” gambling since we have, as a state, rejected it three times since 1990. (Hey, don’t yell at me, I voted for it!)

Hopefully it will help. Anything will at this point.

But, have you have noticed the advertising of Keno? I sure haven’t. Does this strike anyone else as odd?


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