>The anti-water bottle

> It has begun, the new adventure into non-plastic water bottles – and they aren’t being shy about bragging. SIGG USA has developed an eco-friendly, reusable water bottles, ideal for those concerned with their health and their environment. This water bottle is much friendlier on the environment and our surroundings than the other alternatives on the mainstream market.

(Unfortunately, SIGG USA Online has received such high demands for their product they have decided to hault production until after the season is over to then reevaluate products and production time. You can still find their products at various locations throughout the US.)

You can find more information on SIGG USA and its products at www.mysigg.com.

>Which "to" is it?

>Everyone makes mistakes. Usually they are innocent, most of the time they are fixable – but what if they aren’t? Agencies take the time to ensure everything is grammar-proof and correct before going to print. This step is performed numerous times over to protect our client’s message and name.

Proper spelling and usage of words has always been a big part of my writing. It is very easy to misuse a word, so here are the proper ways for common word mix ups. (Some definitions are courtesy of dictionary.com)

Two – the number (ex. There are two men and five children.)
To – expressing motion or direction toward a point (ex. For vacation this year, we are going to Alaska.)
Too – in addition; also; furthermore; moreover; in excess (ex. Way too many people are here!)

Their – a form of the possessive case of they used as an attributive adjective, before a noun (ex. Their new home was gorgeous.)
They’re – contraction of “they” and “are” (ex. They’re going to have a meeting right after lunch.)
There – in or at that place; or into or to that place; thither (Jim and Donna are leaving there in a few minutes.)

Are – to occupy a place or position (ex. We are in Las Vegas!)
Our – a form of the possessive case of we used as an attributive adjective (ex. Our brother, David, is having a dinner party at his house on Saturday evening.)

Your – a form of the possessive case of you used as an attributive adjective (ex. Your car smells brand new!)
You’re – contraction of “you” and “are” (ex. You’re never going to believe who I ran into last night.)

Its – the possessive form of it, used as an attributive adjective (ex: Its beauty resembled perfection.)
It’s – contraction of “it” and “is” (ex. It’s any wonder how those two are still friends after what she did.)

In Marketing, the proper use of these words is standard. Any mix-up could cost you a job, or worse yet, an account. Again this begs the question, are you saying what you want to say?


>Sorry fellas, this one is for the ladies.

Like many women, I went to see Sex and the City this weekend. Admittingly, I am a huge fan of the show but was sad to hear one of the characters mention in an interview that someone in the show dies in the movie. This was not something I was looking forward to!

Details of the movie aside, the show ended and… no one died. Why would someone (let alone of the actresses on the show) start this horrible rumor? Then I laughed to myself, the plot of the movie was kept so hush-hush that they could start this rumor and people would run out on opening weekend to see just who died. The movie’s director, Michael Patrick King, denied these rumors saying, “It’s a summer movie,” he said. “Why would I want to kill anyone?”

Fans still wanted to know. Not only did it finish in the number one spot this weekend but an astounding $55.7 million dollars, almost half of that (a cool $26 million) on Friday alone.

So, what happened? I won’t tell you what happened but I will tell you no one dies. I believe this “rumored-death-marketing-stunt” had some influence in people coming out to see the movie – I know I was one of them.



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~ Michelle


Today I had the opportunity to do mock interviews at our high school to help young students better prepare to enter the work force. I have been doing this for several years and it always amazes me to find out what career ideas and interests a 15-16 year old may have. First off I want to say thank you to the teachers who put in their time to help mold young minds and prepare them for the future. I was delighted to see the maturity the students expressed when confronting a possible job opportunity (mock or not). Most of the students were prepared with a cover letter, resume and application and many have no work experience yet. The high school does require volunteer assignments and it was evident that that experience was helpful in their communication skills.

I felt it was great when I asked them questions and they were very prepared and looked me in the eyes with conviction. I did ask if they had any questions to see how curious they were about what I do and my company. This is a good skill as in today’s world the interview process is two way. As I have stated in the past you need to give back to your community to build for the future. Who knows what circles even young adults run in and who might be your future client or employee.

Tips (for parents & teachers to pass on to the students) based on observations today:

1. Do not chew gum during the interview
2. Do not fidget around in your chair
3. Please dress for the interview
4. Have your paperwork neat and ready to present
5. Always thank the person in the interview
6. Be open and let the interviewer know as much as possible about you
7. Be interested in the whole process

I would highly recommend getting involved in career day or mock interview sessions for the students, for the community and yourself.

The future is in good hands if we give of our experience and advice and let the next generation lead the way.


>Then and now

In 1979, Intellivision was introduced to the United States. This was a relatively simple system to use and offered a variety of games of basic use. Nowadays, game systems have real-life graphics and internet multi-user capabilities. What a dramatic change from years ago.

Sparked from my first experience with the Nintendo Wii this weekend, I began to think about what is next for the gamers and technology advancements. A new fitness program for the Wii, The Wii Fit, has been introduced as well, giving users even more interaction with the game. This mat will allow for such exercise programs like aerobics or even as intricate as yoga.

I find it especially interesting that while Nintendo is concentrating on user physical interaction, other systems are simply satisfied with only the hand component.

What is best for our market right now – full interaction or a simple role-playing game?


>David v.s David

>This year, American Idol’s success was shaky but nevertheless, Idol did it again. People voting for either David Archuleta or David Cook broke the record or in Seacrest’s terms, “smashed it by 23 million.”

The finale was filled with many celebrities such as Seal, Donna Summer, George Michael, Bryan Adams and Graham Nash. A few strange people appeared: Jimmy Kimmel, Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr. and Jack Black. Of course your former Idol’s appeared – Jordin Sparks and Carrie Underwood. I believe this is the most star-studded finale ever.

What a way to promote Mike Meyers’ latest move, “
The Love Guru.” Check it out. Not only did the two Davids love the movie but got a chance to meet him in person. Thankfully, the promo was over but then Mike Meyers appeared on stage for a shameless plug. You know what they say about marketing a bad product/movie… kill this movie fast so we can all forget about it.

ABC can’t even stop the Idol madness. So they are embracing the phenomenon – an Idol attraction at Disney World!

David Cook (one of the finalists) shows up in his first commercial for Guitar Hero. Oh wait, they filmed one with David Archuleta too! Very politically correct. Archuleta may have kicked butt last night but Cook definitely won Guitar Hero’s rendition of Tom Cruise’s living room scene in Risky Business.

So who won?
David Cook is your NEW American Idol. I would have been happy with either. Cook would have been more marketable than Archuleta anyway. But the marketers didn’t choose Cook, 12 million people chose him over Archuleta. David Cook is having the time of his life singing the new Idol song, “Time of My Life” by Regie Hamm (winner in the second American Idol Songwriting contest).

Idol is over but before Seacrest signed off for the night, he reminded us that it starts all over again in January…


>The Real Showdown


It is with great sadness I write this blog putting an end to the Cavaliers 2007-2008 season. With a heartbreaking game 7 loss to the overpowering Boston Celtics, our Cleveland Cavaliers will have to make another run at the Championship series next year.

Trying to shed some light on to this situation, I did take note of a few national commercials spotlighting the key players on these two teams. The first commercial for Vitamin water (YouTube video here) uses LeBron’s ball handling skills and witty commentary to prove his opponent is faking an injury and wins his case in court. The other commercial for Gatorade’s League of Clutch (YouTube video here) shows Kevin Garnett in various still captures from games throughout the season, often times capturing him with sweat dripping down his pain-striken face.

As a marketer’s perspective, both commercials are done very well. But begs the obvious question, which is more entertaining? Sorry Garnett, you might have moved on to the next round but LeBron beat your creativity in commercials. LeBron gets my vote.


>Our Afternoon at the BallPark


On Wednesday evening, the Felber team members received a text message from Rob saying our consolation prize for the Cavs losing game 5 was tickets to the Indians vs. Athletics game on Thursday afternoon. We are all huge sports fans, so this was a very exciting suprise for us.

Of course, being marketers, we surveyed the new Progressive Field’s changes since last season. A few things are different including a women’s only team shop and a business area in right field designated for business luncheons and group outings. They really have found a way to cater to all walks of life, hats off to them!

It was also interesting to note the obvious changes that have taken place in the park from its conversion to Progressive Field. When the field was named Jacob’s Field, there were only a few places of the name labeled around the park – now, as Progressive Field, it is very apparent there has been a switch in the overall marketing appeal of the field. Before, Jacob’s Field had minimal advertising around the field. Now, Progressive Field has replaced those empty areas with various advertisements of companies. Good idea or bad idea?

