Top Tips for Cold-Calling Prospects on Your Website

cold-calling-websiteCreepy Crawlers on Your Website or Your Next Sale?

The scary sales call is not just for Halloween..

Let’s face it, technology from George Orwell’s 1984 is alive and well on Halloween 2016. We’re a mobile society; we buy stuff with one click from Amazon and react when online retailers offer other products to go with the one we just purchased. So, why would we not want the technology to help business to business manufacturers? Yes, the “sale” is different and the cycle may be dramatically longer; but, the relationship needs to start somewhere.

When we see visitors to our website it’s now more data than the anonymous IP address traffic of the past. We see what pages they visited, what content they downloaded and just as important, who they are and the company they represent.

So, is it creepy to call immediately or really good proactive sales? If I was lost on a city block and someone offered to direct me, I would be grateful.  The same goes in searching for a solution for your business or a new product. People want information and to come up with a solution as soon as possible.  This is why you should call your possible prospect while they are actively searching for answers. Manufacturers work hard to attract visitors and hopefully future customers to their website. We use many tools, from search engine optimization and keywords to public relations and email marketing to attract qualified traffic. When they arrive, they should get a warm greeting.

Are you concerned your prospect will find your call creepy or be amazed at your use of technology? When making the call, we find it easy to quickly dispel this concern and address it head on.

If communicated with humor, an introduction like this example quickly melts the ice.

“Hello Mary, I hope this isn’t too creepy — I saw that you were visiting our website and thought I would give you a call to address any questions you might have. What were you looking for help with?”

Our experience is your prospect will laugh, but then quickly discuss what they were looking for when they found your website. Take the leap, call your prospect and do it today – within minutes of their visit.

Have fun selling!

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I Don’t Work In Manufacturing So Manufacturing Day Doesn’t Matter

It’s October, which means it is the season for fall colors, clambakes and football. Additionally, it is Manufacturing Month, kicked off by Manufacturing Day on October 7, 2016. Founded in 2012, Manufacturing Day is an annual national event that “has been designed to expand knowledge about, and improve public perceptions of manufacturing careers and manufacturing’s value to the U.S. economy.”

Participants of Manufacturing Day use the hashtags #MFGday16 and #MfgDay to join the movement and support US manufacturing as a whole, with people and businesses around the country.

Admittedly, I am the last person you want building anything. I am a firefighter part-time; I know how to break stuff with fancy tools. But fix or manufacture something….not even.


Manufacturing Day Ohio and preparing for Crain’s M Power #MFGday16

So, why am I writing about manufacturing? Our region, our country for that matter, was founded by builders, makers, and innovators. While many of the old-school steel mills and factories that we grew up with are gone, many have been replaced by a new-age of manufacturers that are creating parts and products with cutting-edge technology and 3D printing.

Manufacturing and all those that support the process are what Manufacturing Month is all about. Manufacturing goes beyond the young engineers and safety personnel at a factory. There are so many companies (like our agency), that are also employed because something needs to be built.

Sales people who start the process are an integral part of the manufacturing process. I often say, nothing happens until someone sells something. Let’s not forget about the financial folks who are instrumental in finding the fuel to acquire the machinery and raw materials. Website designers and writers, journalists and hotel operators. And the list goes on and on. We are all impacted by the manufacturing sector.

Download Your Free Trade Shows For Manufacturers eBook

Our mission at Felber PR & Marketing is directly supported by all those who manufacture. We’ve been here too for 23 years – rolling up our sleeves, donning safety glasses and doing our part to promote manufacturers in all sectors, from roofing to flooring, fasteners to 3D printing. That’s why we say We Get Manufacturing. Later this month we will sponsor, for the third year in a row, Crain’s [M] Manufacturing Assembly, on October 19th, 2016. Want a chance to attend for free? We’re giving away tickets to the event.

Please join me in supporting manufacturers. Northeast Ohio is home to some of the most incredible manufacturers work hard. Tag us, @FelberPR and we’ll share your manufacturing month posts and amplify your message with our network. Last year our campaign went national! Want to see how we have celebrated in the past?

However you support the manufacturing process, we salute you.

Relay For Life and The Power of Giving Back


committee relay for life photo

Rob and I along with the rest of the Relay For Life Committee

A couple weeks ago, Felber PR & Marketing participated in Twinsburg/Nordonia Relay For Life. One of the great privileges of working at a  small business is being able to give generously to charitable causes and to the community. While giving back to causes near and dear to you feels good, it also has some business advantages as well. According to a Cone Communications and Echo Research study, 82 percent of U.S. consumers consider corporate social responsibility (CSR) when deciding which products or services to buy and where to shop.

Here are four things to consider when incorporating charitable work and community involvement into your business plan.

  1. Create Relationships Within Your Community– When deciding where to invest your company’s efforts, take a deep look at your community to see what is important. Does the local animal shelter need donations? What are the major pain points people are talking about at your local chamber of commerce?  Is the school district struggling? Our blog on community involvement gives tips on ways to identify areas to donate your time or ways to create a community involvement program. Choosing to volunteer our time to Relay For Life Twinsburg-Nordonia was second nature, as Rob’s twins we both co-chairs of the entire event (at just 16 years old), and we both had many family members affected by cancer. We were happy to take the time to give back to a great cause and volunteer in the community that has been so good to us!
  2. Get Employee Buy In- Providing employees with the opportunity to give back is important to boost morale and build a stronger and more collaborative team. Instead of having employees meet for drinks after work, it’s better and more fulfilling to give employees volunteering opportunities during work hours or the option to participate in service based activities after work. Involve your employees in brainstorming fundraising ideas and ways to give back! Volunteering also has the added benefit of providing leadership opportunities for employees, which can lead to increase staff performance, fulfillment and overtime, increased productivity and sales. 
  3. Customize Your Volunteer Plan Based on Employee Strengths- If you read our blog Why You Need StrengthsFinder for Employee Engagement,  you’ll have identified yours and your employee’s strengths. We recommend when creating a volunteer plan for the business owner to look at employee strengths and select volunteer activities that draw upon those strengths. Really take the time to review your employees’ strengths and the strengths of your business as a whole. Identify how much time your employees are able to volunteer annually, taking into account your operational demands. 
    team relay

    Team Cures R Us show their spirit at Relay!

    I was the Online Chair for Relay For Life, and managed social media and email communications. Rob was the logistics chair and was excellent at on-boarding people in the community to volunteer and getting vendors to volunteer their time. We both used our unique skills during Relay and felt great giving back to a cause near and dear to our hearts, as well as the community in which we do business!

  4. Tell Your Customers How You’re Giving Back- Once you’ve implemented your volunteering plan, tell current and prospective customers know what you’re doing. Share it on social media and blog about it! Your customers and prospects will appreciate that you’re the company that “pays it forward”. Also, when potential employees are scrolling through your company’s website, social media, and blog, they will be impressed by the fun features on your company giving back, rather than pages filled with typical sales messages about how ‘great’ your think your company is. Giving back to the community is not only a great way to highlight your company’s culture, but also separate your company from your competitors!

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Why You Need StrengthsFinder for Employee Engagement

During college — a time when myself and my peers were trying to “find” themselves and realize their true career potential — I was required to take an online personality assessment in my senior capstone, called StrenghtsFinder. Over the years, I’d taken a fair amount of these personality assessments– Myers Briggs, The Five Love Languages, The Colors Tests, you name it. Although I enjoyed taking personality assessments, I always felt like they told me what I already knew about myself. To my surprise, StrengthsFinder was entirely different and allowed me to view myself in an entirely different light. It was by far the most valuable book I read during my college career and is one that has helped me tremendously, both personally and professionally. Below are the top 5 reasons you and your colleagues should take the Strengthsfinder assessment.


  1. Focuses on Talents Not Tendencies– StrengthsFinder, was developed by Gallup’s team of scientists and positive psychologists to help people “uncover and develop their natural talents.”  While it’s an assessment you can take in 10-15 minutes and a book you can read in one sitting, it is a tool that you can use for years to come. Most personality focuses on your personality tendencies (introverted/extroverted, thinker/feeler.) This assessment is different because instead of focusing on your basic personality traits, it focuses on what makes you unique and special. Once you take the assessment, it will list your top 5 strengths in order (Gallup has identified 34 strengths.) The assessment not only focuses on “typical strengths” like “analytical” or “communication” but also on strengths most people don’t focus on in work and educational settings (ex: one of my strengths is “Positivity”, something I never viewed as a “strength”.

2. Teaches You How to Maximize Your Strengths– Even for the person who feels like they have a strong understanding of who they are, Strengthsfinder gives people the validation that they are exceptionally great at something and also gives suggestions on how people can hone in on their strengths and work to their fullest potential. Once you take the test, I highly suggest you take it a step further and read StrenghtsFinder 2.0. In the book you’ll find:

  • Your top five theme report, built around the Strengths Insight descriptions
  • 50 Ideas for Action (10 for each of your top five themes) based on thousands of best-practice suggestions we reviewed
  • A Strengths Discovery Activity that helps you think about how your talents, investment, experience, skills, and knowledge work together to build strengths
  • A Strength-Based Action Plan for setting specific goals for building and applying your strengths in the next week, month, and year

3. Gives You Focus to Reach Your Full Potential– Traditionally, we’ve been taught that if we work really hard, we can do better at anything. While I truly believe in the power of hard work, it is obvious that some people have certain aptitudes that others don’t. For example, I could try my hardest to improve my basketball skills. I could practice every day, I could join a team, I could get one-on-one practice sessions in with a coach, and I could practice my free throws every single day. I would improve but I will never have a WNBA player level of talent. Instead, it’s much better for me to focus on my unique skillset and bring my strengths to the table, in both my personal life and in the workplace.

4. Stronger Team Building and Camaraderie– Strengthsfinder is an excellent tool for team building. It is great not only for staff to take on the individual level to learn their own individual strengths, but it also an extremely beneficial tool for management and allows you to see the strengths and potential in your team.  I suggest everyone take the test prior to reading the Strengthsfinder book and then read up on their specific strengths, learn them inside and out. Then, I suggest management read about all the other strengths in the book. Yes, you only get 5 top strengths but there are 34 uniques strengths in the book that your co-workers or employees may possess. Learning about the other strengths allows you to better identify other people’s potential and work better with and assign projects that people will thrive doing and be happy doing.

5. Happier Employees Leads to a Stronger, More Productive Workplace

According to a study by University of Warwick Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy, happier employees are more productive. The experiment showed that productivity increased by an average of 12% when they were happy. The study stated opportunities, professional growth, and recognition at the workplace as some of the main factors in overall employee happiness. Strengthsfinder is an excellent stepping stone to give employees the recognition they deserve and opportunities to grow in their careers.

Allie’s Strengths

  1. Achiever
  2. Learner
  3. Input
  4. Individualization
  5. Positivity

Rob’s Strengths

  1. Empathy
  2. Responsibility
  3. Restorative
  4. Arranger
  5. Woo

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How manufacturers can make content marketing picture perfect

Rob Felber’s article in the Crain’s Cleveland Business Akron Edition

Photos are a critical element in content marketing for manufacturers. Whether your story is strictly online, being used for a media article or your own collateral, a picture does tell a thousand words.

But what if the words are wrong? The following are key factors to consider when staging, using or choosing just the right photo.

The first and often most important factor in photo use is resolution. Most print publications require at least a minimum of 300 dpi. Not sure how to get the highest resolution on your digital camera? Simply set your camera to capture the highest resolution, or put it on a “raw” setting. This will ensure you have the depth, pixels and, ultimately, the resolution publications require. Just because it looks good on a website or on Facebook does not mean the photo file is large enough to be used in print or even with your trade show booth display

buckeye man drilling

Client Buckeye Fasteners’ photo showcases process of making their parts.

When taking a photo, it is important to feature what you want to show, but also what you do not want to show. Often, we might see great photos of workers getting the job done. What is often overlooked is safety.

Are the workers on a roof tied off properly and wearing Occupational Safety and Health Administration and industry-standard safety equipment? Your photo runs the risk of being rejected if your facility and workers are not up to industry standards. Even worse, if the photo gets published and others notice your workers, with logo-emblazoned helmets, prominently displaying an obvious safety violation, you could greatly tarnish your brand and reputation.

During the photo-selection process, ask yourself, “Are we giving too much away?” Look carefully at not only the subject of your photo, but the background. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Is there proprietary equipment in the background?
  • Are secret processes able to be seen in photo?
  • Is the environment messy?
  • Are there people in the scene who are distracting?
  • Are customers featured, and do you have their permission? Be cautious about tipping off your competition.


    Buckeye Fasteners photo showcases American-made values and unique boot hanging ceremony for retiring employee-owners.

When pre-planning your photo shoot (please tell us you just didn’t charge your iPhone and wing it), make sure to review your company’s branding and messaging guidelines. Try to capture photos that support your brand.

Are you proud to be union and American-made? Look for opportunities to take photos that support that image. Do you profess to have associates who roll up their sleeves and get the job done? Choose a scene and personnel that show just that.

With these tips in mind, you’re ready to capture and use the perfect photo.

Read the full article here.

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Business Owner Interruption and Staying Out of the Quicksand

One of my favorite movies is The Replacements with Keanu Reeves. The story line is about a bunch of football players brought in by the owners to fill in for the striking spoiled professional players. There’s a scene where coach (Gene Hackman) is trying to talk about player fears. After a digression about spiders and bees, Shane Falco (Keanu Reeves), the team’s quarterback mentions his fear of quicksand. The whole team turns to listen to their leader. What he is referring to is that while you are playing football and think all is well, one mistake can have a spiraling effect where it becomes another mishap after another. Before you know it you are up to your neck in quicksand.

As a business owner, you are depended upon by many people. Clients and employees, as well as vendors, your family and maybe even your community. In a small or medium sized business, there may not be many layers in your organization. You might be the rain maker, accountant, deliverer of services and even the janitor. You have shed the shackles of large corporate life, with the layers of support staff for the thrill of building something of your own. One day (or for me an evening) your find yourself in quicksand.

rob leg

Rob home after first ER visit with newly bandaged leg.

My quicksand adventure and what I am calling business owner interruption came 20 minutes into my men’s league evening soccer game. It wasn’t a heroic play, or even a foul by me or the attacker. I simply made a stick tackle and caught turf and my opponent’s foot. A quick turn and I hear the unmistakable sound of celery being snapped. That was it. Broken and torn up ankle with fractures in my leg in two places. As I lay on the field, with my left foot headed south, I realized that I was immediately dependent. Dependent on my teammates, the paramedics (as a certified paramedic myself, I assisted with own splinting and refused an IV and pain meds) and my family and neighbor to retrieve my car. Once in the ER, I saw no less than 12 people in and out of my room. That’s when I knew it was bad.  I now lay on the ER bed helpless, accept for my smartphone. Who needed to know?  Company staff, my business partner at one of my companies, my fire department chief to cancel my shifts, my colleagues and administration at the school board, my assistant coaches in softball and the list goes on. QUICKSAND! The impact of what I had done started to fill the room with sand, buckets of the stuff.

Fortunately through the injury, two reductions in the ER and ultimately surgery, I remained pain free. What transpired next is pure business interruption. Most of my ability to prospect in person for new business, attending networking events and volunteer committees went out the window. My “fear” of keeping business flowing and the ability to pay bills was more coarse sand in the back of my throat. For nearly three weeks I was dependent on people to drive me. I had to plan each move, from handing out diplomas at high school graduation as school board president, with the administration’s fear I might trip students with my cast, to simply getting downstairs, out the door and into my office. The lessons learned were many.

First, I had to understand people truly wanted to help. Harder, for a type-A CEO is to actually ask for help. Learn to ask. Whether it is being picked up for work, carrying your computer or simply getting you food. Crutches were my equalizer as I could not carry anything not already on my back. One of my clients and a wise man told me that people want to help. It’s our privilege to allow them to help us. Let people help you.

Second, be ready for the down days. You thrive by being involved, being everyone’s go-to person. When that is gone, as I found out, you can easily get depressed. For me, the endorphins from running or being active were gone. I truly believe that chemical need impacts your mood. Add in feeling like you are letting everyone down and not being with any of the teams you love make it even darker. I saw the same thing with a child we had to remove from contact sports due to concussions, but did not understand how feeling left out really impacts the psyche. Get up and take back control of something, anything. Whether getting dressed without help or finding a way to go to an offsite meeting, it will boost your spirits.

Third, can I prepare for this better? Having computer and server access helps. What files and procedures can be in the cloud? Who can you train to maintain critical operations? While I was the only one to pay bills, I was able to let my assistant take a greater role in client communications. Make sure you know how to allow access via passwords, where important files are located both physically and on computers. Role play today what you would do it you could not get to the office for a week or more.

Lastly, know that clients will understand. You’ve spent years building trust and proving your dependability. They will understand that meetings might be delayed and accommodations for alternative communications might be needed. Do not be afraid to tell them your condition. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by their support. While I still have a long road of physical therapy ahead, I now have a better handle on some of the critical tasks in my organization.

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Don’t Waste Time Building Consensus

rebecca morganToday’s blog is written by Rebecca Morgan, President and CEO of Fulcrum ConsultingWorks LLC.

As the authoritarian “command and control” organizational structure has fallen out of favor, some believe that consensus is the replacement leadership model.

It is not.

In fact, finding consensus is best limited to innocuous situations. Working to build consensus can be helpful after a significant decision is made, but not before.

Do we really want to vote on strategy? On which bank to use? On pricing? On which markets to penetrate next?

Asking for input is one thing; waiting for consensus to build is just wasting time.

Come to think of it, what sense does it make to elect leaders? Can you think of an exemplar profitable business that schedules campaigns and debates, followed by an election for CEO?

Totalitarian governments have leaders. Unfortunately, their followers are often without free will. Legitimate leaders have followers that do so voluntarily. They may not always agree, but they are not being held against their will.

With common vision, mission and core values, supported by mutual respect regardless of position, leaders and followers can accomplish amazing things together. Leaders that listen, and that respect decisions made by followers. Followers that listen, and respect decisions made by leaders.

Sharing logic is valuable to learning. But voting? Getting everyone to agree before taking action?

Leadership is not a popularity contest. It is based on the confidence and support of followers. Spend your time building that, not consensus.

About The Author

Rebecca A. Morgan, President of Fulcrum ConsultingWorks Inc., is a manufacturing strategy consultant skilled at clarifying complex ideas, finding creative solutions to problems, and developing and leveraging operational strengths. She works with manufacturers to better position their operations to deliver their espoused competitive advantage repeatedly, reliably, and profitably.

Her ability to work as effectively with off-shift workers as with owners and C-level executives and her 30+ years professional experience combine to support both strategic vision and daily execution.

5 Tips for Manufacturers to Network Like a Pro

rob felber dave joyce

Rob Felber with Congressman Dave Joyce.

Networking is necessary for growing your personal and professional brand. Networking is a technique and competency that needs to be honed and crafted in order to be effective. Although it seems “easy” to many, the most successful business people have strategy behind their networking process. Recently my boss (Rob Felber) did a presentation on “Networking for Manufacturers”, which provided attendees with helpful tips as well as tools he has developed over more than two decades of networking. Below are 5 key takeaways from the seminar for you to use at your next networking event.

  1. Get There Early

When attending an event, it is best to arrive early and get to know the speaker before the event and build that relationship. By interacting with the presenter beforehand, you are creating a dynamic where you could be highlighted during the presentation. Also, talking with the speaker prior to the presentation gives you an advantage when it comes time for the Q&A portion of the talk. Being the first person to ask a question puts you and your company in the spotlight with your peers and colleagues.

  1. The Importance of the 10-to-30 Second Commercial

Crafting your 10-to-30 second commercial for networking events is essential in creating great first impressions. Practice it so that it becomes second nature.. Don’t bombard people with information. Keep it simple and to-the-point.  Start it off with a pain statement and leave it open-ended so that your prospect will be intrigued and want to know more.

  1. Get in with Key Influencers

When joining a networking group, it is important to get involved early. Volunteer on committees, or get in front of the board of the group. Getting to know key influencers in the group brings a level of ease to networking. Also, the more individuals you become close with, the more opportunities you will have for members to introduce you to prospects.

  1. Divide and Conquer

When attending a networking event with colleagues or peers, it is important to ‘divide and conquer’. Sitting with colleagues or friends is limiting and closes you off from making new connections. Unless you surround yourself with new people, you are not going to build relationships. Also, make sure and review the attending list prior to the event, looking up prospects on LinkedIn and trying to target and sit next to those individuals at the event. When researching your prospects prior to an event, see if any of your connects are able to make a personal introduction.

5. Don’t Underestimate the Power of Social Media

Social media is a great tool to enhance your personal and professional brand. When you’re at seminars and events, tweeting or posting about it on your other social media platforms gives you the opportunity to grow your social media presence and following. Using social media to talk about what you’ve learned also opens the door for further conversations with speakers and attendees.

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How Manufacturers Can Avoid Pitfalls When Using Photos

Sometimes the Picture Has 1,000 Words You Do Not Want

Photos are a critical element in content marketing. Whether your story is strictly online, being used for a media article or your own collateral, a picture does tell a thousand words. But, what if the words are wrong?

real brendan

High resolution photo of client Buckeye Fasteners that will be utilized on their new website and on social media.

The following are key factors to consider when staging, using or choosing just the right photo.

  • The first and often most important factor in photo use is resolution. Most print publications require at least a minimum 300 dpi. Not sure how to get the highest resolution on your digital camera? Simply set your digital camera to capture the highest resolution, or put it on a “raw” setting. This will ensure you have the depth, pixels and ultimately the resolution publications require. Just because it looks good on a website or on Facebook, does not mean it is large enough to be used in print or even with your very large trade show booth display
  • When taking a photo, it is important to not only feature what you want to show, but also what you do not want to show. Often we might see great photos of workers getting the job done. What is often overlooked is safety. Are the workers on a roof tied off properly and wearing OSHA and industry standard safety equipment? Your photo runs the risk of being rejected if your facility and workers are not up to industry standards. Even worse, if the photo gets published and others notice your workers, with logo-emblazoned helmets, prominently displaying an obvious safety violation, you could greatly tarnish your brand and reputation.
  • During the photo selection process, ask yourself “Are we giving too much away?” Look carefully at not only the subject of your photo, but the background. Here are some key points to consider:
  1. Is there proprietary equipment in the background?
  2. Are secret processes able to be seen in photo?
  3. Is the environment messy?
  4. Are there people in the scene that are distracting?
  5. Are customers featured and do you have their permission? Be cautious about tipping off your competition.
boots buckeye fasteners

Buckeye Fasteners photo highlights their unique retiree boot hanging ceremony and American-made values with flag in the background.

  • When pre-planning your photo shoot (please tell us you just didn’t charge your iPhone and wing it), make sure to review your company’s branding and messaging guidelines. Endeavor to capture photos that support your brand. Are you proud to be union and American made? Look for opportunities to take photos that support that image. Do you profess to have associates that roll up their sleeves and get the job done? Choose a scene and personnel that shows just that.

With these tips in mind, you’re ready to capture and utilize the perfect photo. Now, the big decision is can you take the photos yourself or should you invest in a professional? This topic will be addressed in a future post.

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It’s Time to Start Planning Manufacturing Day 2016 Events

mfg day 2015 chart

This chart was obtained from the NIST US Dept. of Commerce

Manufacturing Day falls on October 7th, 2016. While it may seem light-years away, it’ll be here before you know it. Manufacturing Day provides manufacturers with the ability to connect with colleagues around the country,  create buzz for their company, and provide an inside view into some of the region’s best careers. In 2015, Ohio was ranked the top state for Manufacturing Day events in 2015 (see chart). Now is the time to plan or your competition will outshine you during this great opportunity to showcase your products and services!

Founded in 2012, Manufacturing Day is an annual national event that “has been designed to expand knowledge about, and improve public perceptions of manufacturing careers and manufacturing’s value to the U.S. economy.” Participants of Manufacturing Day use the hashtag #MfgDay to join the movement and support US manufacturing as a whole, with people and businesses around the country. Popular Manufacturing Day events include plant tours, job fairs, manufacturing community events, expos and celebrations.Don’t forget to register your event on the website.


Our client SSP on Manufacturing Day 2015

Plant tours

Are you looking to showcase your plant to prospective clients,  students, and the community? Now is the time to start send out invites. Schools will be out of session in four months. School administrators and teachers are now beginning to plan their first few months of the 2016-2017 school year. It is important to start the discussion now so they can coordinate with you and get students at your tour.

Job fairs

Job fairs create a great platform to recruit the next generation of manufacturers. Often job fairs can happen at a manufacturing business. However, if you are looking to get a larger pool of candidates, partnering with other manufacturing employers, or perhaps, a staffing firm is an excellent option.

Manufacturing Day Celebrations

Manufacturing Day events are extremely popular and are held the week of Manufacturing Day or even the entire month of October (deemed Manufacturing Month.) Celebrations can be organized by local or regional manufacturing associations, chambers of commerce, or business development groups. Also banks, accounting firms and other businesses that do a significant portion of their business with manufacturers may want to partner with you for a Manufacturing Day event. These can be simple events such as breakfast, lunch, and dinners, followed by tours, Q & A’s and even the occasional political dignitary appearance.

Manufacturing Day is a great way to showcase your company and what makes you special. Ohio had the top Manufacturing Day events last year. There are many ways your company can stand out during this celebration of manufacturing including plant tours, job fairs, and manufacturing celebration events. For more information on Manufacturing Day visit or to discuss event ideas, call or email Felber PR at 330.963.3664 x2 or

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