To celebrate Felber PR & Marketing’s 30th anniversary, I asked some of our long-standing clients and colleagues to share a piece of advice they might share with their younger selves if they had the chance. Here’s what they said:
Create a strong balance between work and home, You have the rest of your life to work so make sure you take time for yourself, your health, friends, and family, I was once told I should do “well” (income and work) before I did “good.” I disagreed and while income growth may have been slower, my life and family experiences were immeasurably enriched by volunteering, coaching my kids, and being involved in countless boards and community initiatives.
– Rob Felber, Owner & President, Felber PR & Marketing
“If it was easy, anyone could do it!”
By that I mean that when faced with what seems like seems like a very difficult task or situation, we will be judged on how we approach and handle it. These are the times that require character and determination, and those traits can distinguish us from the competition. We may not always be the lowest-cost or fastest solution, but ultimately we will attract and maintain client relationships by demonstrating our willingness to tackle and solve the biggest and most important business challenges. We strive to be “indispensable!”
– Bruce Newburger, President, Dynamics Online, Inc.
A couple of things I’ve tried to live by:
- Work hard
- Have a positive attitude
- Take nothing for granted
- Treat everyone with respect
- Everyone has to “pay their dues”; no one is entitled to anything
- Collect as many “tools” as possible to put in your “toolbox”, they will come in handy down the road
- Relationships matter – develop and nurture as many as you can; sometimes they will help you and sometimes you will help them
And for my kids (28,26,23):
- Nothing good happens after midnight
- Life is about choices; you won’t always make the right ones – just don’t make dumb ones
- When deciding on what degree or career to pursue, it is often more important to find out what you don’t want to do, as it is what you do
– Bob Centa, President, PMI Industries, Inc.
- Don’t be afraid of hard work. Hard work and passion for what you are doing will pay off
- Struggles in life make us tougher. The younger you are when you encounter these struggles the more accustomed to dealing with issues you will become. These skills are valuable later in life and are more difficult to learn later in life.
- Instant gratification is not always something you will see. Patience and consistency when working toward your goal are important. In today’s day and age, we are used to the instant gratification of simple things like taking a picture and immediately being able to look at it.
– William Barlock, Owner, IT Support Specialists
“Embrace curiosity and pose inquiries, as they create more long-term value than you’d imagine.”
– Yogesh Ramadoss, Business Development, Cres Cor Health & Safety
Some advice from “Old Scott” to “Young Scott”
- When interacting with people, be empathetic to their situation, as it will serve you well regardless of the circumstance.
- Define your core values, and when making life decisions, be sure to rely on them.
- Remember that there is always a back-story to what you observe in your life, so don’t rush to judgement.
- Be an active listener and respond thoughtfully when the opportunity presents itself.
- Put your family first, be integrous in your actions, and tenacious in pursuing your goals.
– Scott Moss, Founder & CEO, M Sales Growth Advisors
Be kind to yourself in all things. Allow yourself to make mistakes, learning from them of course with the goal of evolving into the best version of yourself. Explore! Keep trying new things. Complacency is the enemy of success, so always keep pushig yourself outside of your comfort zone. You will be surprised by all that you CAN do! Your happiness is the key to living up to your fullest potential, so take care of yourself, physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally to be and stay happy, healed and whole. Finally, as you grow up and evolve into marriage, motherhood and your career, know that being sucessful at all 3 requires balance. Speak up about your needs, wants and desires and never settle for less than you deserve! You can have it all!
– Keren Johnson, Digital Marketing Manager, Dynamics Online, Inc.
I would tell myself to slow down and enjoy the ride. I have always been a very driven person who was diligently working towards completing a goal and moving on to the next. This has served me well as I’ve had many accomplishments both personally and professionally. But when you are always looking ahead, you are not fully appreciating the present. The present is really all we have. It’s important to have goals and plan for the future, but its just as important to be present and appreciate the moment that you are living.
– Brian Lennon, CEO, General Die Casting, Inc., & Dart Casting, Inc.
The two pieces of advice I would give my younger self are, “set yourself up for productivity” and “protect your time.”
The first bit of advice means to have the materials and tools needed at the ready. Otherwise, it stops or delays progress on a task or goal.
The second bit of advice means that it is easy to squander time, whether with colleagues, friends or other distractions. There are always more pressing things to do or reasons to verve from a task or project. Since time is a commodity, choose how you will use it.
My kids have heard me preach these tips since they were young.
– Kavita Sherman, Owner, Sherman Communications, LLC.
Money is the most important thing in the world, except for everything else.
– Lance Dumigan, Business Development Manager, Fabrisonic, LLC.
List your priorities in life such as:
#1 Faith through growing my personal relationship with Jesus.
#2 Self through strengthening my mind, body and having a productive work career.
#3 Others through engagement and service with my immediate family before others.
Remember: “Always try to be in the present moment of life”
List no more than 2-3 action items for each priority above and laminate some copies. Post in a few places like on your mirror, fridge, bedstand and in your car. Review every 3-6 months.
– Rio Degennaro, Director of Strategic Business Development, Cres Cor Health & Safety
I would tell my younger self that everyone makes mistakes.
It’s important to note your mistake so it doesn’t happen again but there isn’t any benefit dwelling on the mistake.
How you respond and correct the mistake is more important.
The below quote (not sure by who) kind of sums up what I am trying to say.
“You aren’t judged on the mistakes you make. You are judged on how you respond to them.”
– Rich Sinkovic, Sales Engineer, PMI Industries, Inc.
I wouldn’t advise my younger self because my mantra is, “Change nothing. It all happens as it’s supposed to and you end up exactly where you need to be.”
– Kellie West, Regional Sales Manager, Grand River Rubber & Plastics Co.
We’ve learned a lot over the last 30 years. In part, thanks to these people.
Thank you to our clients and colleagues for sharing their insights for this blog – and for doing business with us for the last 30 years!