Entries by Rob Felber

>Loyalty was bought

> If you haven’t already read my previous blog on fan loyalty for sale, please click here to catch up. Today marks the second full day of Alex Chatfield being a full-blown fan of a team other than the Cleveland Indians. He has written a blog about his experience in placing his loyalty up for […]

>Meet Dave Tanks

>Recently, Katy wrote about her frightening experience with Meet Dave. You can read about it here. So remember that old saying… advertising just kills a bad product faster? Read about how the movie tanked in its first weekend! All that marketing for nothing. ~Michelle

>Selling yourself

>True, selling yourself on eBay probably isn’t the best idea. But for Alex Chatfield, there was no other way to enjoy the remainder of the baseball season. You see, Chatfield is a Cleveland Indians fan, as am I, and we are somewhat used to not winning lately. Mostly that is thanks to the 10-game losing […]

>Billboard Advertising Lessons

> It is what it is. A phrase that just makes sense. Recently, I saw it used in a static billboard (non-digital/vinyl/paper). I usually don’t like to point out faults of other campaigns or least not publicly. Everyone has to be a critic, right? Well, I was driving on 480-east and saw this billboard with […]

>Keeping track of the hits

>When I first started to research blogging I was a little confused on how I would keep track of the HUGE amount of traffic coming to our blog. I first started using FeedBurner, but was greatly disappointed because of the lack of efficiency in the program. Sure, it was easy to use but after weeks […]

>What does C.C. have to do with marketing?

>It was October 2007 and our Cleveland Indians were going up against the Boston Red Sox in the Division Series. “In C.C. we trust,” said Rob. I believed him, and so did all of Cleveland. We put our entire faith in C.C. Sabathia to lead our Cleveland Indians into the World Series to battle the […]

>Toyota’s going solar

>Toyota Motor Company announced they are planning on releasing some of their next Prius Hybrid models to include solar panels on the roof of the car. The third generation of Prius Hybrids is set to hit market next year. Click here to read the full story. So, what does this mean for everyone else? Clearly, […]

>Red, white and blue… and green?

>The green trend has entrenched the automotive, business, decorative and pretty much any other market you can think of… including fireworks? It is true. The Washington Times released an article this week entitled, Greener rockets take off, promoting how new green fireworks are in the works as an effort to have a friendlier impact on […]

>Basic telephone etiquette

>Question: Have you ever been on a phone call and wondered how to politely suggest telephone manner tips to the person on the other end? I have. Out of a recent conversation about a phone interview gone wrong, it is obvious everyone knowing the basics of telephone etiquette is a misconception. Most of these tips […]

>Wait, that can’t be right…

> Was that really Eddie Murphy’s head on the back of a car? Indeed it was. This past weekend on my way to Cleveland I saw a giant Eddie Murphy head on the back of a car. “Oh, I thought those were only in California!” Exclaimed my brother from the back seat of my car. […]