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97 search results for: trade show


5 Tips to Engage Visitors BEFORE and DURING Trade Shows

So you’re headed to IMTS 22 (the International Manufacturing Technology Show)? It’s time to think about attracting and engaging visitors. You don’t want to be lost in a sea of trade show booths, so what is the best way to draw visitors away from the competition and toward your business? 1. Invite and utilize your […]


The Trade Show is over – Now what?

  You did it! You effectively pre-planned your show (You committed to a trade show, now what?)  and you worked the show successfully (Trade Shows – Owning the Floor), what should be your next step after the show? I know you might be thinking of soaking your feet and adding up the frequent flyer miles, […]


Trade Shows – Owning the Floor

Rolling out the carpet, pulling up the retractable display, and filling a large punch bowl with hard candy just does not cut it at a modern trade show. You need to drive traffic to the booth, capture leads, and make the very best impression in an incredibly compressed time. Our last blog introduced the concept […]


You committed to a trade show, now what?

Pre-show preparation is key to success and achieving a return on your investment   Step one in your trade show plan is goal setting. What do you really want to happen at this show? Knowing the outcome is key to effective goal setting. Can you expect actual sales and signed purchase agreements? Are you introducing […]